I like this game and was looking into being a patreon, but I gotta say $12 a month for the latest update is steep compared to other developers on patreon. I'm patreon of other visual novel games and before this, the highest charge I saw for getting a updated game on patreon was $10. You may want to consider redoing your tiers.
I hear you on that - the choice was intentional. I also understand that I could appeal to more people with a lower price point. The number I chose was to account for several things - but it predominantly boils down to this: adjusting the price of my patreon years from now to accommodate for economical changes is not something I want to do. I'd rather see people balk at the door now, than have to deal with the price being adjusted over the years to come.
just repeating our discussion on the discord for visibility for other folks: transferring saves from the previous version will be super unstable, due to how I adjusted a few variables. a fresh save will be more stable!
I also want to ask, what can we expect from this game. Like I already know you put the kinks and feitshes your gonna put in the description but I'm talking the specifics. Is the game gonna be a paid game when it's completed?
Is the player gonna be top or bottom, dom or sub or just vers? I'm mainly asking because some porn games tend to favor one of the other and I just don't want to get my hopes up.
I am polling for kinks in the patreon locked side of things, currently - trying to get a feel for backer preference. I might open that up to the public at a later date when it becomes more of a priority, but right now development is focused moreso on 'setting the foundation' of the game, than catering to one target audience. I'm sure that will come in time. As for MC's role, I hope they find themselves in a plethora of different situations - and that players will be able to self-select what they want to see, and what direction they want characters to go. And yes - The game will likely have a paid steam version at the very end of its development cycle, yes. Lots to do, lots to make. Hopefully you can understand that there's no firm answer to any of your questions, and am doubly hopeful there's something in Aftersoul that already speaks to you!
Thanks for the answer, and don't worry, I understand if there's no firm answer. I have no issue if the game is paid honestly, I just wanted to know. So far, I've found the game pretty good so far, and I was especially excited too see that helmeted dude (I'm a "sucker ;)" for big dudes in helmets), you don't see those in porn games often, and especially that huge snake.
Edit: Just got through the current content, I can tell this game is gonna be great.
Version 0.2.0 isn't set up to be downloadable through the itch.io client. Not sure what changed, since it worked fine for the initial version. It's possible that your page being flagged caused this? I'm not sure.
As for the actual content of 0.2.0... it suffers greatly from plot holes. You can go to Greyhaven and ask about things you know nothing about yet, or see the Hunter transform and think nothing of it without having the knowledge that he can, because you don't have to complete the other arcs before entering Greyhaven, even if they did exist in the previous version.
I've got this scene where some wolves surround the Hunter and then they follow us back to camp but I can't for the life of me replicate it in another save so I can see what the other choices are. How do I trigger it?
Great game btw. The content that is there is pretty solid, and it helps a lot the first party member is so charismatic in his own way.
Thank you for the kind words. The scene you seek can only happen if you don't go to Greyhaven's tavern and have a heart to heart with Hunter. If I recall correctly, the events you'll need to trigger that are... Fresh Debug File Post-Hunter -> Forest Wellspring -> Ancient Woods -> Ancient Woods Wellspring -> Explore Again to Find Shade Once More -> Back to Forest -> Meet Wolves -> Either explore in the forest again, or leave camp and come back.
That worked! Just wanted to let you know. You taking your time with this tickled my heart, my dude. Thank you a bunch. I'll see about joining the discord when I'm lucky enough catching a working link.
Oh, as for resolution issues, it might be a frame cap thing. You don't have a frame limit and opening the game in mine was causing some ungodly coil whine until I forced a cap through my GPU's config panel.
Hm - that definitely tracks. I think I put a cap, but that might only be when I'm in editor. Will look into this - thank you for the insight! (Also! The discord link doesn't work because the page is quarantined? I think? You'll have to copy and paste it to a different browser tab...)
I'm looking into this now - https://discord.gg/cSjNfEXM It appears 'never expire' won't work on the server I've set up, even though it says it does - something about phasing it out for noncommunity servers - which I didn't want to opt into. I'll have to reset the discord link every week, but this should work now...
um apparently i keep getting a pop saying the game is a scam. im concerned if this is true or not. Not trying to be rude or anything, the pop up is just concerning is all
Yeahhh - I've tried getting ahold of Itch to see how to deal with that, but I'm still waiting for support to get back to me. I think they're just wary of download-only-executables, and so my page got flagged. If you don't feel comfortable engaging, that's okay! I'm hoping the issue is resolved soon.
ok thank you. i was concerned for you as well. its good to know its nothing too serious. also im giving you 5 stars. its a great concept and ive made my own twine game i need to rework myself.
On the level up screen it keeps not wanting to feed the essence in to the character. I've got to click it like 7000 times to get it to put one in. however, if i click to a different screen( i have 2 monitors ) and then click on the input the essence button it does it straight away.
I've noted the issue - it appears to be bound to either framerate or resolution. I'm leaning towards the latter (unsupported resolution of one monitor versus the other). My two solutions were either: A. Disable being able to change the resolution of windowed to whatever you want and force it to be the 'accepted monitor resolutions' found in the settings. B. Change the level up to not be 'hold', and instead a 'click' to immediately dump 'X' Essence in (either all that you have or enough to level up).
I have gone with the latter, in hopes that the game can continue to support any windowed resolution (I personally really enjoy having the window to not take up an entire screen, and have spent a good deal of work making the UI adaptable to most resolutions). Hopefully when this is implemented in the next version, the issue goes away... Though I believe someone mentioned some other issues with other buttons as well....
Oh well! I hope this solution is a good step forward to crushing the bug out altogether.
This is really fucking cool so far! I love the different Ideals on the level up screen... One bug so far, I surrendered to the Ghost Paw enemy, but I think i may have clicked it twice? and now every screen tells me its wrapping around my head haha!
Oooh, making it fullscreen has kinda bricked my pc, it was working very smoothly til i tried to do that though? I just cant alt-tab out or even get task manager open, might have to restart my pc. Good game and eiritng so far though, and I love the world!
Fullscreen and resolutions seem to be pushing people's computers to the limits. Playing in a windowed resolution seems to be the stable choice, but I've had some even report the opposite. Looking into any overarching performance issues that I can address.
Surrendering multiple times is a silly thing you can do right now, which might even load up more than one instance of text (causing the game to freak out and persist it) - a fresh reload of the whole game will do nicely for now. This is fixed, and is one of the many things waiting for a release in the next - hopefully more stable - update.
It seems like there is potentially content that I can miss if I progress too quickly? I never got to see anyone come up to me before the tendrils became enemies. The knight storyline feels unfinished before he just vanishes. The thief also just vanished. Are there choices I could have made differently to complete some other storylines before getting involved with the Hunter being a party member? Or are those storylines just not finished in this demo?
Well, I think I'm actually already well past the end of content. My question was more whether I missed any content that could have happened but didn't on my playthrough.
Ok, I can tell I'm not figuring it out on my own at all, so I figured I'd ask. How does combat work? I don't even know where to begin with it.
Also, is there currently any NSFW content? Normally with these types of games I can easily access it by just surrendering, which... just makes me die and respawn.
Here's some info that might help - I've since crunched out a number of improvements and bug fixes since the launch, though they won't be here until the next release.
Characters have 'turns' - those bars fill up over time. Clicking on the skill icon will use the ability. You can store up to two turns. Some moves cost one, two, or no turn actions to use. Others cost mana!
Early Steps:
Making a campfire at home base is your first step to unlocking a new skill and the ability to level up, which will happen once you meet a certain demon.
If you're stuck:
My campfire won't light!
Seek out the hunter for help.
I can't beat the Knave!!
That hp regen sucks - if only you could attack twice in a row really fast!
Just two zones? No ally? What am I doing wrong?
Have you gone and kicked that smug wolf's butt a few times? Did you equip the skill Traitor gave you? If the wolf and hunter are gone, maybe it's time to check camp...
Ah! The forest is way harder now that I have an ally!
Make sure you have your new companion on your team! Leveling takes priority over new skills from Traitor!
I met that spirit hunter wolf but the Hunter wants nothing to do with her!
Have you been to the Exiled Den? Explore in the Forest and Ancient Woods enough to unlock that area, and then get to know everyone there! The Hunter likes to hang out in the cave...
NSFW Content - There are currently four traditionally 'intimate' scenes in the game.
Lewd #1 - The early forest before you unlock your second companion. Just mess around with the tendrils and opt to stay in the forest a few times with them and someone might show up!
Lewd #2 - Chat with the wolf boss when he's alone in his cave once you unlock that area.
Lewd #3 - Flirt with the guard wolf outside the wolf boss' cave.
Lewd #4 - Flirt with the spirit hunter once you've progressed Hunter's quest enough and go to the renovated Hot Springs to relax.
Known Polish/Bugs That Are Fixed In The Next Version:
Level Up screen can be buggy on some people's computers (might be connected to framerate or current resolution) - completely overhauled level up system to try to fix.
Clicking anywhere other than your character portraits disabled hotkey usage in combat.
Added a 'continue' button to the main menu for currently active sessions.
Surrender button could be spammed, and cause multiple losses.
Added contextual suggestions on where to go and streamlined the early forest a bit. Hopefully the above 'if you're stuck' list won't be as much of a pain point due to these adjustments.
Some scenes have too much text to wrap, and cause issues when transitioning.
I feel the ultimate skill - Rekindle is quite underwhelming, considering that it costs 3000 Ether. It seems to be just an alteration version of the basic attack as both regain 10% mana, trading all the physical damage for a low chance to regain mana again. I hope you may consider making this skill more powerful and rewarding.
Short answer: I agree, and have considered buffing it for this stage of the game. However, I know how effective it will be at later stages of the game.
Long Answer: Rekindle is the premiere one turn zero cost mana regen. Boost Effect stat has a chance to trigger an additional time when passing 100%. Max 300% Boost Effect guarantees triple proc, so it has pretty good scaling percentages (no Boost Effect pathway as of yet!). Combined with the Recharge stat, which boosts all mana gain by (+X%), you can readily generate a large amount of mana. At 160% Boost Effect and 300% Recharge it would return 90 mana, and at 260% Boost Effect and 200% Recharge it would return 80 - making it the premiere mana regen option for some builds that want heavy investment in both of those stats.
Unfortunately, all of that is theoretical right now, and I understand that the move feel like a let down as of right now. I've considered disabling it as a reward but decided against it. Moreso, it speaks to the problems with the current trainer system - Not being able to preview what you're unlocking isn't fun!
I will record this feedback and consider how to approach a solution that fits.
I don't know if this consider a bug as it should be related to the engine, but you can be defeated twice if surrender just before getting beat to death and deduc the essence twice.
It appears that if you enter the menu, there is absolutely no way to return to the game without restarting or loading a save. You cannot simply exit the menu. Is this intentional?
The main menu could use work - mainly a continue button. Entering the menu does not end your session, and using load game or options in the main menu will bring you back to the settings tab of your currently active game.
I'm concerned that I might not have the minimum requirements for this game. You mention that it should be played on a gaming PC -- which this technically is, but also quite an old one, so certainly not up to modern gaming standards. When I try to run the UE prerequisite installer, the bar doesn't visibly move at all. It may just be taking a long time -- it doesn't appear frozen, since I can click the cancel button with no issue -- but if this is an indicator of how the game would run, I might not be able to run it effectively. Do you have an idea of what the minimum system requirements would be?
The 'gaming PC' caution is me erring on the side of doubt as to warn that this game might be unoptimized. I unfortunately don't have minimum specs on hand, but I think even a 'dated' PC has a chance to run it. First loads of the application also tend to halt for a moment, from what I've experienced. Worst case scenario is that it doesn't deploy at all or crashes out on you. Alternate strategy might be trying to run the executable as administrator, by right clicking the 'Aftersoul' application and hitting 'run as administrator'.
← Return to game
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will the game support browser play?
no, apologies - the game is scoped to be too large for browser support!
I like this game and was looking into being a patreon, but I gotta say $12 a month for the latest update is steep compared to other developers on patreon. I'm patreon of other visual novel games and before this, the highest charge I saw for getting a updated game on patreon was $10. You may want to consider redoing your tiers.
I hear you on that - the choice was intentional. I also understand that I could appeal to more people with a lower price point. The number I chose was to account for several things - but it predominantly boils down to this: adjusting the price of my patreon years from now to accommodate for economical changes is not something I want to do. I'd rather see people balk at the door now, than have to deal with the price being adjusted over the years to come.
There is a major bug: Hunter losing all learned skills from Shade, and even relearn again, they still don't appear.
just repeating our discussion on the discord for visibility for other folks: transferring saves from the previous version will be super unstable, due to how I adjusted a few variables. a fresh save will be more stable!
could u update the discord link? it says it expired and i want to follow the development!
Try it now! It should be fixed.
awesome, thanks!
Can this game works in Joiplay app? 🥹🥹
It's not an RPGM game, so no.
I also want to ask, what can we expect from this game. Like I already know you put the kinks and feitshes your gonna put in the description but I'm talking the specifics.
Is the game gonna be a paid game when it's completed?
Is the player gonna be top or bottom, dom or sub or just vers? I'm mainly asking because some porn games tend to favor one of the other and I just don't want to get my hopes up.
I am polling for kinks in the patreon locked side of things, currently - trying to get a feel for backer preference. I might open that up to the public at a later date when it becomes more of a priority, but right now development is focused moreso on 'setting the foundation' of the game, than catering to one target audience. I'm sure that will come in time. As for MC's role, I hope they find themselves in a plethora of different situations - and that players will be able to self-select what they want to see, and what direction they want characters to go.
And yes - The game will likely have a paid steam version at the very end of its development cycle, yes. Lots to do, lots to make. Hopefully you can understand that there's no firm answer to any of your questions, and am doubly hopeful there's something in Aftersoul that already speaks to you!
Thanks for the answer, and don't worry, I understand if there's no firm answer. I have no issue if the game is paid honestly, I just wanted to know. So far, I've found the game pretty good so far, and I was especially excited too see that helmeted dude (I'm a "sucker ;)" for big dudes in helmets), you don't see those in porn games often, and especially that huge snake.
Edit: Just got through the current content, I can tell this game is gonna be great.
Thank you for the kind words! Plenty more to come!
So uh, I want to try this game but apparently it's quarantined by itch.io.
oh I see you already know about it. I'll just wait until it's fixed.
Version 0.2.0 isn't set up to be downloadable through the itch.io client. Not sure what changed, since it worked fine for the initial version. It's possible that your page being flagged caused this? I'm not sure.
As for the actual content of 0.2.0... it suffers greatly from plot holes. You can go to Greyhaven and ask about things you know nothing about yet, or see the Hunter transform and think nothing of it without having the knowledge that he can, because you don't have to complete the other arcs before entering Greyhaven, even if they did exist in the previous version.
I've got this scene where some wolves surround the Hunter and then they follow us back to camp but I can't for the life of me replicate it in another save so I can see what the other choices are. How do I trigger it?
Great game btw. The content that is there is pretty solid, and it helps a lot the first party member is so charismatic in his own way.
Thank you for the kind words. The scene you seek can only happen if you don't go to Greyhaven's tavern and have a heart to heart with Hunter. If I recall correctly, the events you'll need to trigger that are... Fresh Debug File Post-Hunter -> Forest Wellspring -> Ancient Woods -> Ancient Woods Wellspring -> Explore Again to Find Shade Once More -> Back to Forest -> Meet Wolves -> Either explore in the forest again, or leave camp and come back.
That worked! Just wanted to let you know. You taking your time with this tickled my heart, my dude. Thank you a bunch. I'll see about joining the discord when I'm lucky enough catching a working link.
Oh, as for resolution issues, it might be a frame cap thing. You don't have a frame limit and opening the game in mine was causing some ungodly coil whine until I forced a cap through my GPU's config panel.
Hm - that definitely tracks. I think I put a cap, but that might only be when I'm in editor. Will look into this - thank you for the insight! (Also! The discord link doesn't work because the page is quarantined? I think? You'll have to copy and paste it to a different browser tab...)
So the discord link invite is currently not active or working. Is it possible to make a new invite link to stay updated?
I'm looking into this now - https://discord.gg/cSjNfEXM
It appears 'never expire' won't work on the server I've set up, even though it says it does - something about phasing it out for noncommunity servers - which I didn't want to opt into. I'll have to reset the discord link every week, but this should work now...
um apparently i keep getting a pop saying the game is a scam. im concerned if this is true or not. Not trying to be rude or anything, the pop up is just concerning is all
Yeahhh - I've tried getting ahold of Itch to see how to deal with that, but I'm still waiting for support to get back to me. I think they're just wary of download-only-executables, and so my page got flagged. If you don't feel comfortable engaging, that's okay! I'm hoping the issue is resolved soon.
ok thank you. i was concerned for you as well. its good to know its nothing too serious. also im giving you 5 stars. its a great concept and ive made my own twine game i need to rework myself.
On another note is there a way to transfer saves between builds?
I have asked too, the answer is sorry but no.
Can we only fight with the Hunter right now?
The only playable party member is Hunter right now! I wonder if anyone you've already met will become playable in the future?
On the level up screen it keeps not wanting to feed the essence in to the character. I've got to click it like 7000 times to get it to put one in. however, if i click to a different screen( i have 2 monitors ) and then click on the input the essence button it does it straight away.
I've noted the issue - it appears to be bound to either framerate or resolution. I'm leaning towards the latter (unsupported resolution of one monitor versus the other). My two solutions were either:
A. Disable being able to change the resolution of windowed to whatever you want and force it to be the 'accepted monitor resolutions' found in the settings.
B. Change the level up to not be 'hold', and instead a 'click' to immediately dump 'X' Essence in (either all that you have or enough to level up).
I have gone with the latter, in hopes that the game can continue to support any windowed resolution (I personally really enjoy having the window to not take up an entire screen, and have spent a good deal of work making the UI adaptable to most resolutions). Hopefully when this is implemented in the next version, the issue goes away... Though I believe someone mentioned some other issues with other buttons as well....
Oh well! I hope this solution is a good step forward to crushing the bug out altogether.
And thank you for the report!
Any chance of an Android version?
Sadly no - as it stands, the game is projected to be too big to comfortably fit on Android without heavy limitations
Aw, its a shame but thanks anyway
i cant access discord please reupload link
Really really love how the game currently builds up. I want to bully the snake a bit more xD
This is really fucking cool so far! I love the different Ideals on the level up screen... One bug so far, I surrendered to the Ghost Paw enemy, but I think i may have clicked it twice? and now every screen tells me its wrapping around my head haha!
Oooh, making it fullscreen has kinda bricked my pc, it was working very smoothly til i tried to do that though? I just cant alt-tab out or even get task manager open, might have to restart my pc. Good game and eiritng so far though, and I love the world!
Fullscreen and resolutions seem to be pushing people's computers to the limits. Playing in a windowed resolution seems to be the stable choice, but I've had some even report the opposite. Looking into any overarching performance issues that I can address.
Surrendering multiple times is a silly thing you can do right now, which might even load up more than one instance of text (causing the game to freak out and persist it) - a fresh reload of the whole game will do nicely for now. This is fixed, and is one of the many things waiting for a release in the next - hopefully more stable - update.
Awesome! Yeah, I didn't MEAN to, its just a bad habit from other games... It's cool you managed to fix that so fast, I'm impressed!
It seems like there is potentially content that I can miss if I progress too quickly? I never got to see anyone come up to me before the tendrils became enemies. The knight storyline feels unfinished before he just vanishes. The thief also just vanished. Are there choices I could have made differently to complete some other storylines before getting involved with the Hunter being a party member? Or are those storylines just not finished in this demo?
Sounds like you're approaching the end of the demo, as the storylines you mentioned will continue into the rest of the game as it is created.
Well, I think I'm actually already well past the end of content. My question was more whether I missed any content that could have happened but didn't on my playthrough.
Ok, I can tell I'm not figuring it out on my own at all, so I figured I'd ask. How does combat work? I don't even know where to begin with it.
Also, is there currently any NSFW content? Normally with these types of games I can easily access it by just surrendering, which... just makes me die and respawn.
Here's some info that might help - I've since crunched out a number of improvements and bug fixes since the launch, though they won't be here until the next release.
Characters have 'turns' - those bars fill up over time. Clicking on the skill icon will use the ability. You can store up to two turns. Some moves cost one, two, or no turn actions to use. Others cost mana!
Early Steps:
Making a campfire at home base is your first step to unlocking a new skill and the ability to level up, which will happen once you meet a certain demon.
If you're stuck:
My campfire won't light!
I can't beat the Knave!!
Just two zones? No ally? What am I doing wrong?
Ah! The forest is way harder now that I have an ally!
I met that spirit hunter wolf but the Hunter wants nothing to do with her!
NSFW Content - There are currently four traditionally 'intimate' scenes in the game.
Lewd #1 - The early forest before you unlock your second companion. Just mess around with the tendrils and opt to stay in the forest a few times with them and someone might show up!
Lewd #2 - Chat with the wolf boss when he's alone in his cave once you unlock that area.
Lewd #3 - Flirt with the guard wolf outside the wolf boss' cave.
Lewd #4 - Flirt with the spirit hunter once you've progressed Hunter's quest enough and go to the renovated Hot Springs to relax.
Known Polish/Bugs That Are Fixed In The Next Version:
Ok, with those hints plus some more experimentation I think I've figured out how it works.
'Twas quite fun! Really liked the overall mechanics. Looking forward for what might come in future updates!
This is incredible - very much looking forward to future releases
Cool game. I will wait for future updates.
Put down a couple hours already and I'm loving the game so far. Really looking forward to more.
I feel the ultimate skill - Rekindle is quite underwhelming, considering that it costs 3000 Ether. It seems to be just an alteration version of the basic attack as both regain 10% mana, trading all the physical damage for a low chance to regain mana again. I hope you may consider making this skill more powerful and rewarding.
Short answer: I agree, and have considered buffing it for this stage of the game. However, I know how effective it will be at later stages of the game.
Long Answer: Rekindle is the premiere one turn zero cost mana regen. Boost Effect stat has a chance to trigger an additional time when passing 100%. Max 300% Boost Effect guarantees triple proc, so it has pretty good scaling percentages (no Boost Effect pathway as of yet!). Combined with the Recharge stat, which boosts all mana gain by (+X%), you can readily generate a large amount of mana. At 160% Boost Effect and 300% Recharge it would return 90 mana, and at 260% Boost Effect and 200% Recharge it would return 80 - making it the premiere mana regen option for some builds that want heavy investment in both of those stats.
Unfortunately, all of that is theoretical right now, and I understand that the move feel like a let down as of right now. I've considered disabling it as a reward but decided against it. Moreso, it speaks to the problems with the current trainer system - Not being able to preview what you're unlocking isn't fun!
I will record this feedback and consider how to approach a solution that fits.
Oh I see, similar to your comic, values will show compound growth. (by now it just 2% per level, it kind of hard to imagine having 300% boost)
Great start, really loved what's here and am looking forward to more.
I don't know if this consider a bug as it should be related to the engine, but you can be defeated twice if surrender just before getting beat to death and deduc the essence twice.
thank you for the find - will look into a solution
solution found - will be available in next release.
It appears that if you enter the menu, there is absolutely no way to return to the game without restarting or loading a save. You cannot simply exit the menu. Is this intentional?
The main menu could use work - mainly a continue button. Entering the menu does not end your session, and using load game or options in the main menu will bring you back to the settings tab of your currently active game.
The bar on the right, the first one is the game text. The Back on the menu is equal to Exit/Main Menu in other game.
I'm concerned that I might not have the minimum requirements for this game. You mention that it should be played on a gaming PC -- which this technically is, but also quite an old one, so certainly not up to modern gaming standards. When I try to run the UE prerequisite installer, the bar doesn't visibly move at all. It may just be taking a long time -- it doesn't appear frozen, since I can click the cancel button with no issue -- but if this is an indicator of how the game would run, I might not be able to run it effectively. Do you have an idea of what the minimum system requirements would be?
The 'gaming PC' caution is me erring on the side of doubt as to warn that this game might be unoptimized. I unfortunately don't have minimum specs on hand, but I think even a 'dated' PC has a chance to run it. First loads of the application also tend to halt for a moment, from what I've experienced. Worst case scenario is that it doesn't deploy at all or crashes out on you. Alternate strategy might be trying to run the executable as administrator, by right clicking the 'Aftersoul' application and hitting 'run as administrator'.
Hm, well it did successfully install this time, though it then said I need to restart my computer for it to take effect. Is this normal?