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(6 edits)

game wont let me in the mines, it just loops back for some reason!! 

can we bone wolf boss after giving him ether or....

kinda seeing a thing where some intimate scenes arent repeatable and this is especially annoying when you can only save in safe spots...

does wolven guard only have one intimate scene right now, btw?

hoping to see more knight content, but the wolves are super hot too.. i love knave and the oathkeepers so much

(1 edit)

-mines aren't implemented yet!

-boss getting ether is his intended path! he just gets bigger

-arson will not bulk up in his next installment - that will have to wait for a future date

-yeah, there are scenes that don't repeat. I'm still considering a way for people to see existing scenes again, but I have no plans of adding that scope in yet

-i believe wolven guard has more training scenes later on beyond that first intimate scene

i edited too much stuff thinking you wouldn't be that quick to answer me but woah.. ill just scrap all my new thoughts into this comment

- can we bone boss after we give him ether (cause he gets all pent up and stuff)

- do i have to keep training with wolven guard to get those intimate scenes? (im on the part where he gives stat increases)

- wonder if im missing knave content other than him being my companion, does he have an intimate scene?

- you dont particularly get to do more with boss than you're already doing, for the time being
- yep! offhand, I believe that new training opens up based on your character level
- nope, knave can kind of join at any timeframe for a lot of the content you're seeing so far, so he's not that involved. once he's required to progress the story, you'll see a lot more of him.

Any tips on beating the plant wolf after I gave him 20,000 ether?

plantwolf is a tough final fight, and intended to be the 'hardest fight' at this stage of development - nothing more behind him than a teaser for what is to come for folks who do want to challenge him.

each form has an alternate best strat. typically, you need some form of sustain and a looooot of levels to keep up. again - it isn't intended to be beaten by players at this stage of development, so don't feel too pressured!

Hunter and I are about level 40 ish and we keep getting one shot. He also seems to regenerate like super fast. I wonder if 60 or 70 would be good.

yeah, being high enough level to avoid the one shots is important - check the wolven vendor shop to buy a piece of jewelry if you haven't already - then go pay a visit to knave and have a chat! that might help you out a bit.

Ok I beat him : D I resetted and re invested stats into magic and speed, while for hunter I upgraded both physicality and spirit hunter. This time I beat him at 

Level 26

Level 25


this game has like insane potential, it's already pretty good

Oh my, this game and Lustful Desires surely are my favorite text-based VNs ever♥

dunno if this is a known bug but the first interaction with Traitor where you unlock level ups and the spell Singe seemed to bug out as i was not actually granted the spell, i ran back through a second time though and choosing to skip the lore granted me the spell

(1 edit)

how the Pathway UI is unlocked?

is Shade needed to be defeated to unlock it

Will there be a mobile version? I want to play this on my phone 😁

I'm a little confused as to how to build the things for Carp beyond the hot spring, I can't seem to acquire the resource. Maybe I misunderstood the tutorial?

winning a fight should give you production resource equal to your production rank! building things increases your rank! hope that helps!

Will there be a mobile port?



All the woof stuff are sooooo good makes me horny all the time,and that's really a good game to werewolf complex like me




Hey, I had a lot of trouble finding this game because it doesn't have an LGBT or Gay tag, I recommend you include one of these tags to attract more people to your game.


Is this a yaoi game? It doesn’t mention so anywhere but the degree of bara men I’ve seen makes me wonder before I delve deeper, I’d been hoping for something with a bit more variety, some lesbian stuff and/or character customization

In an actual piece of feedback, you really need some SFX and maybe some music, your combat scenes feel incredibly strange being so animated without any sound effects punctuating combat or victory And a way to Search specifically for an enemy encounter would be nice, so you can grind without having to slowly navigate past Thief & Knave and Pent Wolf repeatedly, since skipping through repeat dialogue is very slow due to the menu formatting


Yeah, no character customization - MC is a fixed perspective. I'm mainly sticking to dudes n' gayness, and attempting to tell a story from a fixed character background. Additionally there's only one female character right now. Audio will come along as I continue to develop - looking forward to when I get to tackle that! I'll be keeping my eye out on how to streamline 'explore' prompts to be less grindy.


Thank you~ I absolutely understand the decision, I was just unsure what I should be expecting since there was little information on the page, and didn’t wanna get wrong hopes ahead of myself

I think the biggest thing you could do to streamline exploring, is to add a one-button “leave” option to encounters you’ve seen before that you can safely leave, such as Pent Wolf and encounter Thief & Knave in the prologue, when they tell you to fuck off or Knave will be forced to make you, since to leave Thief & Knave right now I have to Talk > Some form of Hi Thief says Leave, Knave says Yeah Go Leave > Leave Since game actions use those drop downs, its a lot of unnecessary feeling clicking for basic decisions(and in the case of those two, after your first meeting you should know they wanna be left alone and be allowed to just walk away when you find them without the song and dance)


Android version?

(1 edit) (+1)

Heya, just finished the momentarily available content and like the game so far, but after a short grinding run, I'd like to recommend a way to turn on the combat's automatic ability casting in a faster manner. I'm not sure if there actually is a better way to do it, but I only know about pressing the mouse button twice while holding it after the second press. And yeah... It really slows down the whole thing and is pretty annoying, something like a middle button press or shift + click or something like that to set it to auto-cast instantly would really make it way more fluid. If there already is another and faster way, I'd like to know about it.

Good feedback - I'll take that into consideration when addressing button mapping overall!


Another game that somehow hit me so deep into the soul that i almost got depressed)
I like this game so much and i am willing to see what will happen at the end) (i wish for more furry guys tbh))
Really good game and i wish you luck!

(2 edits)

idk how I forgot to check but I wanted to say whatever was added in the recent update let the game be played on my PC, so thank you. also this is fucking PEAK and the hunter is top ten favorite characters idk why I fucking love him with all my heart


Glad to hear that optimization efforts are paying off!

i need some confirmation if we can customize character here?

Major character customization isn't a high priority for this game, to help limit scope. I look forward to future projects where more of my time can be put into that. For now, our MC primarily has one trajectory, with a handful of 'flavors' - none of which are incorporated as of yet!

I have 2 questions: 1. Is their a second companion? and 2. How do I get Hunter to stay in his wolf form? I dream of a harem.

Buy jewelry from wolven vendor and then chat with the Knave! Hunter wolf form is attached to the wolfpack related questline.

Thank You!

The wolven pack quest is the only thing that make me getting annoyed, cause i can't find them

Agreed that it needs some help smoothing over - too many things need to occur in specific order without wiggle room. I will attempt to smooth this over in time!

so, i finished the 3.0 version of the game, just about done with(almost) all the content. here's some of my observations: the pacing and side stories are very good overall, I actually like almost every charachter in the game. That said there are a few things i'd like to talk about:

-dialogue:nothing much to say other than that I really like the various attitudes that the Mc can adopt to flourish the discourse, only minor gripe is that it requires a lot of inputs going through some scenes, especially if there are multiple charachters involved and the Mc is not the focus (shopkeeper inside tavern and carp and forge scenes).

-currency: while the ether given by combat is quite generous it's also quite hard to balance between levelups and skill training wich require similar amounts of the same resource. I admit that to satisfy my ocd for skill collecting I focused most on those, having to grind for late game figths...

-combat: speaking of, it has the most gripes I have on this game, it feels fine early in the game but the overall feeling is that it's too fast and hectic (especially in three particular fights). Enemies have perfect turns and action economy AND they scale with the level of your group(levelling feels counterproductive and less useful). The combat also could last even less of the time it takes you to parse through dialogue, making successive defeats due to bad rng feel very aggravating. it's not all as bad as it seems( tho, I might also be bad) but there are a couple of problematic fights i'd like to point out.

-locke second quest: if aoe misses, you missclick once or you get unfortunate targeting the fight is over a couple tendrils resurrections. Second phase is sligtly easier but still hard.

-shade first phase: you need to be levelled (8/9) and rushing her is the only viable strategy, and even then you could simply automatically lose to rng if she hits either hunter or you first. felt like gambling, if she hit knave ( the only one she does not one shot) twice during an attemp it felt doable. The other phases were fine.

-plantwolf third form: is this guy even reasonably beatable?

with everything said and done, I love this game and I am excited for it's future releases.

- Balancing narrative pacing is a challenge for sure! The ability to make all text propagate at once helps with fatigue a bit, but I have no intention of removing the two-factor button presses to progress to the next block of text.

- Skills will be earned at pathway rank thresholds in a future update to better guarantee early skill power without needing a trainer. These skills will be unique to each pathway. This should better 'buff' the value of rank ups.

- Early feedback was to speed up the pace of combat because it felt too slow. 'Fast and hectic' shouldn't be the baseline, for sure, and it should never feel like raw RNG or grinding events you've already exhausted are your only pathways forward. This boils down to two things: 1. better balancing and 2. more content for your current power level.

- Locke's difficulty jump between questlines is too steep. Either I put a level requirement lock between quest steps, or I lower the requirement. Either way, the end of his questline will still be locked behind Act 2 (same as plantwolf).

- Shade's currently overtuned. Better balancing will take place with playtesting of the other narratives - each taking place concurrently w/ the Den story (estate + cultist questlines). I'm also just not satisfied with the complexity of the fights boiling down to 'rush her hp down before she rushes yours down'. It should have another layer of play to it.

- Plantwolf's final stage isn't intended to be beatable at current power levels. Victory against the foe will only have importance after Act 1 concludes (for the same reason Locke's is gated). Having early narrative threads like these with stark challenges should act as motivations to get stronger. The problem ultimately lies in there not being enough new content to do in the meantime.

Ancient Woods & the Estate are my next primary objectives up until v0.4.0. Hopefully your existing issues with combat pacing feel smoothed over by future releases!

I would definitely say that combat is to fast right now. Once I got 3 party members I pretty much never had time to look and see what the enemies were even doing or what my attacks did to them. My recommendation would be to put in a combat speed slider in the options. That way if someone has difficulties with a harder fight they can slow it down and take they're time figuring out the best battle plan. While with farming essence they can crank the speed up for enemies they know they can blitz through.

Another suggestion since I'm here: I think the after battle regeneration should be buffed or changed. As is, I found myself having to go back to camp to heal after every "late game" plant fight. I see a few ways you could do this. You could just increase the max regen either by default, through an upgrade (like the teleport), or via level up. You could also make it so instead of healing to a set value every time, you instead heal a certain amount every time. The last possibility I can think of is to just regen to max every time, after all it's not really hard to move back to camp every fight right now, just tedious.

Suggestions aside, I really love Aftersoul! Keep up the good work.

yep yep! combat speed button is scheduled for the overhaul to the combat UI (which is sorely lacking). the overall speed of combat currently slows down with each active party member added, though it doesnt feel like a fully polished implementation yet. additionally, there are two active defensive layers in the game that have yet to be added. health potions should increase your viability to stay in the fight for longer, acting as single target heals/resurrections within combat and full heals outside of combat - as well as a manual defend button that blocks all incoming damage for a few seconds. both should dramatically increase the time you can spend away from a sigil, and reward 'active play'


absolutely adore the artstyle and monochrome theme, UI is sleek and game plays well. keep up the good work genuinely stoked for future updates


I love how much foreshadowing of possible things you can have later down the line. For one, I want traitor to be able to join the party later down the line. At least depending on your actions with traitor. Possibly being able to give him a proper 'thank you' for his help.

(2 edits)

Is there any content that can be missed depending on how you go about things? Just want to make sure I don't miss content for certain characters and party members. I want to at the very least understand what branching paths there are.


Only branching major decision right now is the direction you can take plantwolf. beyond that, there are only a few 'hidden' scenes i can think of off the top of my head, and they're in the prologue before you get your first companion. the first is that you can submit to tendrils enough without going back to camp and you'll get to see a series of plantwolf shenanigans. the second is that you beat Knave in a fight and meet up with him again to discuss the Thief's disappearance. This should also lead to an optional scene when exploring in the Ancient Woods, where you can run into the Thief again. Going back to explain this all to the Knave will result in a final few scene - nothing major!

Ah okay. As for another question, more related to combat, is it better to focus on the bonus effects of a pathway or to go all into a single pathway? Also, will certain pathways have max values or not for balancing purposes? If they do it should be based on the story act I think. 

In my experience so far, the buff to ether arrow is very noticable. The passive skill for the protagonist is very very busted, even with a fixed chance. Especially when you have multiple enemies attacking the protagonist. Speed is a very very sacred stat more so than mana. 

Until enemies start having damage type resistances, fights are likely to be one-sided. Not that it's a bad thing since you can get easily outclassed.


I aim for much higher overall HP stats for higher level enemies, and also to add a penalization to repeated healing from skills. Mana refilling every round is something I'm considering removing to also make it more of a valued stat. Potions and a way to 'shield' attacks with spacebar are two active forms of mitigation and resource management I'm working on, to make active and engaged play feel like it can take on 'tougher' foes. Additionally,  Damage Resistance vs Physical or Magical is indeed coming to enemy design to add some complexity - it just doesn't feel that fun until you have more options later down the game's lifespan. Trigger skills are also valuable, but not readily stackable (only one On Hit trigger should be randomly chosen if you have more than one on). I'm excited to get to the point where people can put one move on auto and have the other three trigger skills be unique conditionals (on skill use, on mana use, when struck, etc). Ultimately, I want the feeling of a growth game to lean into feeling like you're 'breaking the game' with synergies. Things should feel strong with enough fixation/investment - it's okay to outscale, as long as there is a bigger HP bar on the horizon to eventually tackle.

Pathways will have unique skills unlock at certain level thresholds to guarantee some form of scaling. Incentives to mix and match come down to build ingenuity - especially to those that want to min/max substats. I'm not against overleveling, but I plan on having unique scenes occur upon reaching certain thresholds of pathway ranks - things that will ultimately change how your character develops/grows/looks. These developments (such as scenes and unique forms) will also be locked behind story act structure.

I'm excited to see how this all turns out. Especially the pathways. I would imagine depending on stats, you can pretty much choose your species type or what skills you can learn.  I'll admit this game is awesome and the unique leveling system interests me.


So I haven't done everything so far but I have done a lot. Are we going to be able to top sometime besides the lady? Or is this mostly bottom focused. A shame we get such a cute companion and even his scene so far is us getting him off.


I definitely haven't been going into the writing mindset thinking about catering towards 'top' or 'bottom' in what I write. From a limitation standpoint, more active MC involvement (especially in panels) will have to wait for when we start getting him comfortable with existing beyond that cloak of his. That narrative wall should end at Act 1, and give rise to an increasingly involved MC through the course of Act 2. If it helps, think of this like a slow burn. We'll get to enjoying our cute companion, but the 'small steps' along the way have to happen, first!

I see, that makes alot of sense. Thank you


i think something messed up with hp system, despite me leveling up the strength, every battle i start with 20 hp

intended! hp stays at its value at the end of fights now, and only tops up to a minimum of 20hp. you need to go to a sigil (camp) to automatically fully heal all the way up. this should make healing skills more valuable!

oh, well then i'd tune down the plants difficulty in the second Locke's quest, a wave of reviving plants even with having 2 whack options doesn't allow to kill them fast enough


do you think that youll make a mac version?

im keeping development to just windows for the time being - my apologies!

(1 edit) (+5)

Babe wake up, new Aftersoul build just dropped (8 hours ago...).

will we be able to flirt with the library twink?


eventually! i aim to give him some more content throughout the next few updates. he'll have more in v0.4.0 for sure!

hell yeah! love the art, was hoping for more twinks or less bulky characters ahah

Where are the saves located?

Reports are mixed. Common locations are: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow %APPDATA%\Aftersoul %LOCALAPPDATA% %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games


wait, we dont have anroid ver ?

i cant wait to see what yall add to the game so far i think its a lot of fun 

wait i played this for the adventure part of this and less for the NSFW would that be the same as reading smut but the plot? or am i still norm :/

if the game is intended to be mainly smut, yes your the same as those who read smut for plot. if this game intends to be serious and has a story it wants to share, your part of the norm. 


Is it possible that Hunter will grow into big himbo boy? 

(2 edits)

I keep getting this message every time I try to open the game. I have a Windows 11 laptop that is up-to-date. Is there any way to fix this?


Hiya - been working on optimizing a lot of the game - hopefully the next public build is playable on your laptop!

Alright thanks a lot dude

Android version?

I have fun playing this game. But i hope you will add Objective Tab to show players what to do next or if there is tasks that we haven't finished.

Good luck to the developer :)


Developed! A quest tracker is implemented and will be available in the public v0.3.0 release.

Um... I need some help and ive downloaded the C++


I've seen reports like this before. Plenty could be causing it. I'll be providing an alternate download for v0.3.0 that's built with DirectX11. Hopefully that version is more optimized as well! Both could help solve your issue.

I'm so excited for the next update I love this game the combat is fun the characters are cool the story is interesting

I try to run the game and nothing happens, even running it as administrator nothing happens.

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