AFTERSOUL v0.3.0 is out now!

The first major release window is out now - rounding out a major portion of Act 1's gameplay loop.  The Shops & Smiths Update cycle is now complete!

Without further ado, let's get straight into a summation of all of the new content since v0.2.0:


+Experience the Wolven Den and production questline!

+The Knave can be found in the Forest again! Shopping for a certain amulet from the Wolven Vendor and progressing Greyhaven's questline might progress his story.

+The beginning portion of the Estate is now navigatable!

+Added a Journal tab that can be used to check your progress on certain quests.

+Added a Fast Travel System that can be unlocked by meeting Quill at your encampment.


There are currently ~25 skills available - expect them to be tweaked/adjusted throughout development.

+Skill Type: Passive - Some skills can only be triggered by meeting specific conditions, such as by getting struck

+New Debuff: Burn - Deals periodic damage based on a % of your MAGIC DMG. Ignores DEFENSE mitigation.

+New Debuff: Exposed - Removes 10% of DEFENSE from the next incoming attack, per stack. Stacks halved when struck.

+New Buff: Barrier - Halves the damage of the next incoming attack. This calculation happens before DEFENSE mitigation. Buff removed when struck. Exposed breaks Barrier.

+Added a system to balance plant enemy encounters around party level.

+Enemy Behavior: Respawn - Some enemies respawn after X seconds of inactivity.

+Enemy Behavior: Retaliate - Some enemies only spend their turn when attacked.

+Enemy Behavior: Skill Rotation - Some enemies cycle between various skills (this can also adjust their turn speed).


+Updated Pathway UI. This should simplify visuals a bit!

+Implementation of Character Abilities, starting with Hunter (this has its own window in Pathway UI).


+Boss - Den - the leader of the Den, content to settle down in the caverns.

+Wolfpack Leader - Forest - a self proclaimed leader of a group of wolves, eager to level up.

+Arson - Forest/Den - the magically attuned fire wolf, who gets a bit too worked up.

+Rookie - Forest/Den - a budding apprentice, looking to show his worth.

+Plant Wolf - Ancient Woods - the unhinged wolf, that may be a bit too obsessed with plants.

+Locke - Ancient Woods - a skilled swordsman, tasked with resolving the 'plant situation'.

+Wolven Guard - Den - the responsible wolf, who takes pride in training his wolves.

+Carp - Den/Greyhaven - a dedicated craftsman, who pines badly for his place in the world.

+Forge - Greyhaven - a stubborn artisan, who doesn't really have time for nonsense.

+Swordwolf - Den - a really standoffish guy, that takes himself quite seriously.

+Quill - Everywhere - the messenger bird, who always seems to find a way to say very little.

Shops & Smiths

+Production Resource - a resource system tied to Production Shops, unlocked at Carp's workshop in the Den.

+Introduced 'Shops' into the game, where you can spend Ether or Production.

+Implemented the entire Carp Production Questline, which is intended to be completed throughout Act 1.

+Added Forge's Production area at the end of Carp's questline, which will store all future production quests.


+STABILITY - a new image loading system - experimental, as it may cause some images to not load correctly. (note: if anything loads as a pure white background or border, you are experiencing an issue caused by this new system. please inform me if you see this!)

+Plenty of behind the scenes bug fixes and efforts to optimize play.

Balancing / Pacing

+RECHARGE stat values gained should be higher to make up for the change to mana.

+HEALTH regens after combat resolves (up to a maximum of 20 HEALTH).

+The rate of TURN SPEED is now based on the number of active party members (solo party is 2x faster global turnspeed). Note: This might not be working on DoT effects, rip I ran out of time.

+Moved the Physical Trainer unlock to the earlier stage of Carp's production quest (no longer requires progression on the sword questline).

+Whirlwind has been nerfed. 20 -> 40 mana cost (rip whirlwind, you'll never make me stop using you)

+Defense scaling moves have been doubled in effectiveness. This might have been too much of a buff.

+Thrust now has targeting that makes sense.

+Ether Arrow damage has been buffed. 100 -> 200% magic damage.

+Removed the skip that bypasses unlocking Shade's questline, requiring initial discovery and exploration of the Den with Hunter.

There's still plenty left to work on Aftersoul to be done, especially as we move towards a new milestone of v0.4.0. It's time to focus on major narrative threads! Estate quests! Cultist shenanigans! What's up with the Knave and that Lord of his, and what exactly is Fang up to?!Make sure to check out all progress over on the Discord to stay up to date on current Exclusive Updates - or even consider throwing some support my way by checking out the Patreon, or just spreading word about this game! Every bit helps, and thank you for your interest in development!



Follow the link to this discord to see what's planned:


Aftersoul_v0.3.0_Public 448 MB
Version 2 15 days ago
Aftersoul_v0.3.0_Public ( alt DX11 download) 448 MB
Version 1 15 days ago

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Locke when I entere hsio hunting ground was at first fully white (so the pic load bug).

Also the pack leader was at one point fully white, but only once.

thanks you for letting me know! will attempt to address as we move forward